Monday, December 8, 2008

Salvation is From the Lord


Lyrics by: Mark G.

Eternal, infinite Father of lights

No one can withstand Your power and might

The heavens declare Your glory O Lord

Unchanging Sovereign forevermore

O Holy Father, separate from sin

Your ways are higher than mere mortal men

Justice and righteousness flow from Your throne

Praise Your great name You are worthy alone!

If You counted our sins, no one could stand

We've nothing to offer, just empty hands

Our hearts are deceitful, filthy within

No way to approach you, dead in our sins

Yet God sent His Son, in love to the earth

Holy and righteous, of infinite worth

Tempted in all ways, He was without sin

A Man of sorrows, esteemed not by men

For joy set before Him, endured the cross

He cried "It is finished", paid the full cost

The Father was pleased to crush His dear Son

Then three days later, the vict'ry was won!

Seated in heaven, no slumber or sleep

Sent down the Spirit, to find His dear sheep

Gave them repentance, supplied them with faith

Praise His great name for that wonderful grace!

Forever in heaven, saints will fall down

Praising His holy name, casting their crowns

The Lamb eternally will be adored

For this great salvation is from the Lord!


Gerry Hatrić said...

I love your family portrait. I think I might see if I can get me one.

Mark said...

Mulled Vine,
Thanks! They are pretty easy to make.